Every once in a while I like perusing the access logs for https://tailsgetstrolled.org/. Particularly I enjoy looking at the "Referrer" headers. These are HTTP headers that your browser willingly gives to webservers to tell them where that request came from. It's neat, but a little privacy-invasiony. I am intentionally leaving out search engines and other coreweb sites.
Quite a lot of the traffic is from forums:
Hey foreverlikethis! Thanks for the traffic!
https://tvtropes.org/ (4 hits)
https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/subcultures/tails-gets-trolled (2 hits)
That first link was too big for my terminal to make the table look halfway-decent. Hence.
referrer | hits |
https://feedly.com | 13 |
https://xcancel.com/ | 2 |
https://yyc-book-finder.surge.sh/ | 1 |
https://desuarchive.org/ | 1 |
https://irccloud.com/ | 1 |
Another mention is that we got a link from rule34. No I will not be linking it but if you're horny enough to want to know you're welcome to email me.
referrer | hits |
https://en.meming.world/ | 5 |
https://fanlore.org/ | 1 |
I suspect both of these are different language versions of the below section but I don't read Vietnamese or some islamic language.
referrer | hits |
https://ar.inspiredpencil.com/ | 1 |
https://baoveminhha.com/ | 1 |
This section is dedicated to that SEO slop. If you are a human being that wrote one of these and would like for it to be changed please email me.
There's one link in this section. https://toyhou.se/
It looks like an NFT thing, but nothing screams blockchain. Very odd indeed.
Well, thank you for reading my blog. Go check out some of those personal sites, they're pretty neat.